The Youth Exchange, with 27 people, took place in Mar del Plata, Argentina from April 15 to 23, 2023.
The exchange involved the project organisations from Latin America, with young participants from Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay.
Young people involved had the chanche to reflect on their talents and passions, with the aim of raising awareness and active participation in the opportunities offered by society. The basic elements proposed were related to social inclusion and cultural integration throguh arts.
The Latin American organisations, given their particular historical moment, wished to place a special focus on the topic of democracy with an exchange programme that took into account important issues for young people in their countries.
The programme was designed by the project's team of youth workers, who had also participated in the previous Training Course in Uruguay. One youth worker per country participated as a facilitator. During the exchange were held activities with non-formal education methodologies, including artistic activities and participatoty art methods. The activity proposed aimed also in developing skills and intercultural sensitivity.